In addition to traditional periodontal procedures that treat gum disease, Corey + Then Periodontics and Dental Implants offers cosmetic procedures to enhance a patient’s smile. These procedures can often improve function as well.


Uneven Gum Line

If you feel like your gums cover too much of your teeth or if some of your teeth look too short, you may consider a procedure called esthetic gum contouring. This procedure removes excess gum tissue, exposing more of the crown of the tooth.

Crown Lengthening

Crown Lengthening is a simple surgical procedure providing more tooth exposure for your dentist to anchor the restoration of choice. It will allow you to eat and speak with comfort and confidence.


Receding Gums

Gum recession can cause increased tooth sensitivity and the appearance of elongated teeth. A soft tissue graft procedure can restore root coverage, reduce tooth sensitivity, reduce risk of tooth decay and improve your smile and periodontal health